Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear world,
     This isn’t easy for me to say. We’ve been through so much together. Whenever I was in trouble, you were the first one I turned to. I spent every waking moment with you. We shared everything.
     But I’ve come to realize, you just aren’t good for me. I am breaking up with you. And to be frank, it’s not me. It’s you.
     You tempt me constantly, and somehow I am never able to make my own decisions. Maybe it’s because you’re so captivating. Maybe it’s because you’re so convenient and ever-present. Maybe it’s because everyone I know seems to love you. Maybe it’s because I am weak. Whatever the case, I’ve gotten myself into a lot of trouble because of you, and I can’t let this keep happening.
     I’m stronger now. I was blinded by love (or maybe simply lust), but now my eyes have been opened. I am going to be better off without you. I was attracted to you for a long time – I always go for the bad-boy type – but I’m growing up. And all I see now are your flaws. You were a terrible influence on me, and it’s time for me to leave you.
    Also, I’ve found someone else. Maybe to some he’s nothing special – he was born into what many would see as a broken home, lives on the road, and a lot of people think he’s crazy because of his “save the world” attitude. In fact, I know a lot of people who don’t want anything to do with him. But despite all of that, I have fallen head over heels for him. He’s strong, wise, and above all, he loves me with an unbridled, incomparable love. Willing to die for me. And forgiving of my imperfections – he loves me no matter how many times I mess up. Where you pointed your finger at me, he holds and comforts me. Where you left me to deal with my problems and offered me nothing but more problems, he gives me everything I need and is right there with me every step of the way.
     It was very sudden. He was always there, but I always turned and looked away. You had me in a trance, and I thought you were everything I could ever hope for. He finally got my attention though, and I realize he has more to offer than you ever could.
     I’m sorry if this is harsh. But it needed to be said.
 - Revived and In Love
P.S. You can have your stuff back. It’s all dirty and useless anyway. I’ve found better. 

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